
A draft schedule for the course is here. This schedule is subject to change and will be updated throughout the semester as the course progresses.

NB: The “Assigned” column refers to what is assigned after the class indicated in the row. You are expected to do the readings after the class day on which they are assigned, before the next class. If a reading is assigned on January 16th, it means you should read it after class on January 16th, before the next class (January 18th). If an Assignment is assigned on January 30th, it means it will become available on or before January 30th, and you will need to check the assignment page for the deadline.

Module 1: Introduction

Week 1

Date Topics In-class activity Assigned
T 1/16 Introduction to the class, introduction to HCI Introductions Read: Design of Everyday Things, Ch. 1-2

Student survey
R 1/18 HCI and The Design of Everyday Things Hall of Fame and Shame

Module 2: Characterizing what is

Week 2

Date Topics In-class activity Assigned
T 1/23 Ethics of doing research with users, introduction to needfinding methods Hall of Fame and Shame share out Assignment 0: Syllabus Quiz & Human Subjects Research Training
R 1/25 Interviews: planning, strategies and best practices Developing an interview protocol, practicing interviews Read: Rapid Contextual Design: A How-To Guide to Key Techniques for User-Centered Design, Ch. 3 (Contexual Inquiry Planning)

Module 3: Modeling what could be

Week 3

Date Topics In-class activity Assigned
T 1/30 Interviews continued: contextual inquiry Practice semi-structured interviews Assignment 1: Contextual Inquiry

Read: Rapid Contextual Design: A How-To Guide to Key Techniques for User-Centered Design, Ch. 8 (Affinity Diagramming)

Read: What is an Affinity Diagram?
R 2/1 Organizing and analyzing data from needfinding    

Week 4

Date Topics In-class activity Assigned
T 2/6 Interview discussion Class time for A1 Read: Task-Oriented Design
T 2/8 Task design Practice task design Read: Rapid Contextual Design: A How-To Guide to Key Techniques for User-Centered Design, Ch. 9 (Personas)

Week 5

Date Topics In-class activity Assigned
R 2/13 (No class - canceled for snow) Read: Rapid Contextual Design: A How-To Guide to Key Techniques for User-Centered Design, Ch. 12 (Storyboards)
T 2/15 Personas and storyboards Creating storyboards Assignment 2: Personas & Storyboards

Read: Rapid Contextual Design: A How-To Guide to Key Techniques for User-Centered Design, Ch. 13 (Paper Prototypes)

Week 6

Date Topics In-class activity Assigned
T 2/20 (No class - Monday class schedule)
R 2/22 (No class - Prof. Reig away)

USe this time to work on Assignment 2, including the associated readings.

Module 3: Realizing what could be

Week 7

Date Topics In-class activity Assigned
T 2/27 Lo-fi prototyping, Project introduction Team formation Group project description
R 2/29 Neefinding revisited: Stakeholder maps, empathy maps Proposal work session  

Spring break: no classes 3/5 and 3/7

Week 8

Date Topics In-class activity Assigned
T 3/12 Midterm Midterm
(Prof. Reig away)
R 3/14 Project work in-class Mid-semester survey, project work in-class
(Prof. Reig away)
Read: Design of Everyday Things, Ch. 6

Week 9

Date Topics In-class activity Assigned
T 3/19 Think Aloud Project pitches  
R 3/21 Project pitches Project pitches Read: Design Principles: Visual Perception And The Principles of Gestalt

Module 4: Evaluation

Week 10

Date Topics In-class activity Assigned
T 3/26 Visual design    
R 3/28 Visual design + Heuristic evaluation    

Week 11

Date Topics In-class activity Assigned
T 4/2 Usability evaluation continued, user testing, accessibility    
R 4/4 Project updates Project updates  

End of modules

Week 12

Date Topics In-class activity Assigned
T 4/9 Guest lecture: Russ Perkins    
R 4/11 Controls (and inputs) Lectern design, Work session if extra time  

Week 13

Date Topics In-class activity Assigned
T 4/16 Intelligent user interfaces Work session if extra time  
R 4/18 Final project Course evaluations, work session Assignment 3: Reflection

Week 14

Date Topics In-class activity Assigned
T 4/23 Final project Project presentations  
R 4/25 Final project Project presentations Due tomorrow night: Project Final Deliverables, Teamwork Survey, Assignment 3